Probiotics & Prebiotics - Potential role in Athletes and Exercise

Athletes, in particular those at elite level look for every possible variable they can manage to help improve recovery and performance.  It’s not uncommon for athletes to be on quite a variety of supplements.  Probiotics are unique compared to other supplements in that they are live viable organisms. 

The International Olympic Committee states that:

“Probiotics are live micro-organisms that when administered orally for several weeks can increase the numbers of beneficial bacteria in the gut. These have been associated with a range of potential benefits to gut health, as well as modulation of immune function” (Jager, 2019).  “

In 1995 prebiotics were defined as “a non-digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, and thus improves host health.” And in 2004 updated to include three criteria: “1) resistant to gastric acidity and hydrolysis by mammalian enzymes and gastrointestinal absorption; 2) fermented by intestinal microbiota, and 3) selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of intestinal bacteria associated with health and wellbeing.” (Holscher, 2017).

Probiotics Athlete Performance

Aside from diet, exercise is considered one of the main environmental factors shaping the gut microbiome (Zeppa, 2020). 

It appears that the microbiome of those who are physically active or athletes possess a functional capacity that is more primed for tissue repair and nutrient absorption.  The current body of evidence at large generally shows that those who are highly physically active, such as athletes when compare to other populations have a higher abundance of health promoting bacterial species and an increase in gut microbiome diversity (Jager, 2019).

 Approximately 70% of our immune cells are found within the gastrointestinal tract and specific probiotic supplementation has been shown to help regulate a healthy immune response.  In the athletic population this is quite significant as strenuous exercise, over-training, psychological stress can all have a negative effect on the immune system.  Combined with an increased exposure to pathogens via foreign travel, different training and competition venues can increase an athletes susceptibility to infections. 

With regards to probiotics certain probiotic strains have been shown to reduce the number of episodes, severity & duration of upper respiratory tract infections. 

Probiotics interact with both our innate immune system (via upregulation of immunoglobulins, anti-microbial proteins) and also enhance our acquired immune system by improving antigen presentation as well as interacting with T & B lymphocytes to take care of pathogens and virally infected cells (Rawson et. al., 2018).



Exercise can cause a temporary increase in gastrointestinal permeability (leaky gut) which can potentially allow foreign bacterial and yeast toxic metabolites into systemic circulation further stressing the body.  We know that there are specific probiotic strains that can help improve the gut barrier function and integrity and thus have a role in the athletic population. Certain probiotic strains help regulate anti-inflammatory pathways which can potentially help offset inflammation that is caused by exercise, thus improve exercise induced muscle damage.

The research is mixed with regards to direct improvements in performance markers, especially aerobic performance and the studies seem to support that multi-strain probiotics are more beneficial that single-strain. As for anaerobic performance markers a small pilot study of 10 resistance trained male subjects  supplemented with either casein protein or casein protein + a probiotic Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 (BC30) for 8 weeks showed those in the probiotic group increased their vertical jump power (Georges, 2014).  In another small study 29 participants were split into two groups, this time subjects were supplemented with either casein protein + the BC30 Probiotic or a placebo for 2 weeks.  Those in the probiotic group demonstrated objective improvements tested via serum creatine kinase levels and subjective improvements by perceived increased recovery and decreased muscle soreness (Jager, 2016).  One of the potential mechanisms of improvements seen could be attributed to BC30 ability to increase protein absorption and utilisation (Jager, 2018).

In another study looking at probiotic Bacillus subtilis DE111 supplementation for 10 weeks in division 1 female volleyball and soccer athletes in the offseason resistance training program showed that those in the probiotic group yielded greater reductions in body fat and increases in fat free mass. 

This improvement in body composition was speculated to be due to improved dietary protein absorption and utilisation.  Aside from the improvements in body composition there were no improvements in the performance measure outcomes (Toohey 2018).


Another worthy mention for the purposes of exercise and athletic population is green tea.  Numerous studies have shown the benefits of green tea extract supplementation on oxidative stress and decreasing muscular damage due to exercise (Machado, 2018 & Hadi, 2016).  Green Tea Extract also has some positive implications when it comes to the microbiome.  Green tea has been shown to have antimicrobial properties against opportunistic pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumoniae & methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (Farmawi, 2014).  Even the stubborn and often antibiotic resistant organism Helicobacter pylori has been shown to be inhibited by Green Tea Extract (Stoicov, 2009).  It also seems that green tea can have prebiotic properties and help bolster Bifidobacterium species (Jin.,, 2012)

“green tea consumption might act as a prebiotic and improve the colon environment by increasing the proportion of the Bifidobacterium species.”


Finally let’s take a closer look into postbiotics.  Postbiotics are bioactive components produced by beneficial bacteria via the natural fermentation process which have biological activity in the gut.  I will focus specifically on Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA).  Certain proteins, fibres and non-digestible starches are fermented via the bacteria in the gut to produce SCFAs. SCFAs are then used as nutrients for the brain microglial cells, support cholesterol metabolism as well as regulating hormones involved in appetite (Dalton, 2019). Higher levels of faecal SCFAs are also associated with protection against inflammation and atherosclerosis.  One of the SCFAs Butyrate is used by the colonocytes (colon cells) as an energy source and is critical for optimal gut function. Research shows us now that there are direct links with alterations with these SCFAs and Irritable Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diarrhoea and cancer.  Intake of prebiotic fibres via dietary food sources and supplementary prebiotics (partially hydrolysed guar, gum, fructooligosaccharide, galactooligosaccaride etc) are potent fuel for the beneficial microbes to ferment and thus produce SCFAs.


So concluding, the research to date shows a potential role for specific probiotic & prebiotic supplementation in the athletic population with the main mechanisms being to support the immune system particularly in decreasing the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections.  Increasing absorption and utilisation of dietary protein in turn having a positive result on body composition.  Some modest performance improvements, again likely attributed to increased protein absorption.  The role for dietary and supplementary prebiotic fibres potentially has a role via the mechanism of increasing SCFA production which is associated with decreasing inflammation & improving gut barrier function. It’s important to acknowledge that there are man shortcomings and holes in the current research in this field, whilst there appears to be enough evidence to validate the use of probiotics and prebiotics I personally see this area of research will provide more information with time to come as researchers look at different probiotic strains, watch this space! With regards to how to incorporate supplemental prebiotic fibres I generally recommend rotating between the different types in order to provide the fuel substrates that promotes a greater diversity in the gut microbiome.  Same goes for food, it would make sense to rotate between foods and aim to get a more diverse food intake to leverage the microbiome creating as much diversity in the gut as possible.


You can find a comprehensive range of some of the best probiotics for guthealth from our online store including the following:

MegaSpore Biotic – a blend of 5 different Bacillus species

RestorFlora – 2 different Bacillus species and a probiotic yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii

Proflora 4R – 3 different bacillus species combined with some gut healing herbs

CT-Biotic - a very unique probiotic formula by CellCore Biosciences containing traditional Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species as well as spore based Bacillus species with fulvic and humic acid

Multi-Biome - Great formula featuring Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bifidobacterium and Bacillus species

MegaPrebiotic – blend of 3 different prebiotics (a very popular prebiotic)

PaleoFibre – solid mixture of both soluble and insoluble fibre

Pure Partially Hydrolysed Guar Gum – a single FODMAP friendly prebiotic, often a good starting point for sensitive individuals



Dalton, A., Mermier, C. and Zuhl, M., 2019. Exercise influence on the microbiome–gut–brain axis. Gut Microbes, 10(5), pp.555-568.

Donati Zeppa, S., Agostini, D., Gervasi, M., Annibalini, G., Amatori, S., Ferrini, F., Sisti, D., Piccoli, G., Barbieri, E., Sestili, P. and Stocchi, V., 2019. Mutual Interactions among Exercise, Sport Supplements and Microbiota. Nutrients, 12(1), p.17.

Farmawi, D., Olma, Z., and Holail, H., 2014. The Antibacterial effect of Some Natural Bioactive Materials against Klebsiella pneumoniae and MRSA. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(3): 576-588

 Georges, J., Lowery, R., Yaman, G., Kerio, C., Ormes, J., McCleary, S., Sharp, M., Shields, K., Rauch, J., Silva, J., Arick, N., Purpura, M., Jäger, R. and Wilson, J., 2014. The effects of probiotic supplementation on lean body mass, strength, and power, and health indicators in resistance trained males: a pilot study. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 11(Suppl 1), p.P38.

 Hadi, A., Pourmasoumi, M., Kafeshani, M., Karimian, J., Maracy, M. and Entezari, M., 2016. The Effect of Green Tea and Sour Tea (Hibiscus sabdariffaL.) Supplementation on Oxidative Stress and Muscle Damage in Athletes. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 14(3), pp.346-357.

 Holscher, H., 2017. Dietary fiber and prebiotics and the gastrointestinal microbiota. Gut Microbes, 8(2), pp.172-184.

Jäger, R., Mohr, A., Carpenter, K., Kerksick, C., Purpura, M., Moussa, A., Townsend, J., Lamprecht, M., West, N., Black, K., Gleeson, M., Pyne, D., Wells, S., Arent, S., Smith-Ryan, A., Kreider, R., Campbell, B., Bannock, L., Scheiman, J., Wissent, C., Pane, M., Kalman, D., Pugh, J., ter Haar, J. and Antonio, J., 2019. International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Probiotics. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 16(1).

Jäger, R., Purpura, M., Farmer, S., Cash, H. and Keller, D., 2017. Probiotic Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 Improves Protein Absorption and Utilization. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 10(4), pp.611-615.

Jäger, R., Shields, K., Lowery, R., De Souza, E., Partl, J., Hollmer, C., Purpura, M. and Wilson, J., 2016. ProbioticBacillus coagulansGBI-30, 6086 reduces exercise-induced muscle damage and increases recovery. PeerJ, 4, p.e2276.

 Jin, J., Touyama, M., Hisada, T. and Benno, Y., 2012. Effects of green tea consumption on human fecal microbiota with special reference toBifidobacteriumspecies. Microbiology and Immunology, 56(11), pp.729-739.

 Machado, Á., da Silva, W., Souza, M. and Carpes, F., 2018. Green Tea Extract Preserves Neuromuscular Activation and Muscle Damage Markers in Athletes Under Cumulative Fatigue. Frontiers in Physiology, 9.

 Primec, M., Mičetić-Turk, D. and Langerholc, T., 2017. Analysis of short-chain fatty acids in human feces: A scoping review. Analytical Biochemistry, 526, pp.9-21.

Rawson, E., Miles, M. and Larson-Meyer, D., 2018. Dietary Supplements for Health, Adaptation, and Recovery in Athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28(2), pp.188-199.

 Stoicov, C., Saffari, R. and Houghton, J., 2009. Green tea inhibits Helicobacter growth in vivo and in vitro. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 33(5), pp.473-478.

 Toohey JC, Townsend JR, Johnson SB, Toy AM, Vantrease WC, Bender D, Crimi CC, Stowers KL, Ruiz MD, VanDusseldorp TA, et al. (2018). Effects of probiotic (Bacillus subtilis) supplementation during offseason resistance training in female division I athletes. J Strength Cond Res.